1. Love this! Looking forward to trying out some of these ideas!

  2. Love the chore ideas for different ages

  3. I’ve been there, done that! My youngest is now 40 years old, and your article brought back many memories.
    Love it that we can have groceries waiting to be picked up (or delivered), online (and recurring) bill payment, and (my biggest challenge) hiring someone to tend to the lawn. The lawn upkeep just overwhelms me!
    One other thing I might suggest is paying someone to come in maybe one a week (or once every two weeks) to give it a “good” cleaning. This wouldn’t take anything away from teaching your children household responsibilities as this could continue between the housecleanings.
    Just a thought…

    1. Jo,
      Having someone come in to give the house a good cleaning is a great idea! I agree that children could still have chores and someone could still come in to give the house a deep cleaning once a week.
      I appreciate you stopping by to comment today!

  4. Great ideas! I recently started using grocery delivery for those busy weeks, its worth the extra fee for delivery and I can still shop at Aldi for cheap prices. I also use the new Target pick up. It works great, I love that they bring it out to my car, plus it keeps me from spending more like I normally do if I go in to Target. 🙂

    1. It is worth the extra cost isn’t it? I like being able to better control how much I am spending also. It saves me from spending money on all of those impulse buys, that’s for sure!

  5. Meal planning definitely keeps me in check–but my partner doesn’t seem to see the benefits. He always suggests we can “just run to the store” almost every night to purchase dinner supplies. How can he not notice that it takes a good 30-60 minutes out of the evening doing that every day? That time adds up!

    1. That is true! Sounds like my husband. Opposite really do attract! 🙂
      In my case, if he’s the one running to the store, I don’t mind as much!!!

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